ASSIST-ME 2016 international conference, titled “La mise en œuvre de l'évaluation dans l'éducation scientifique fondée sur l'investigation » - The implementation of assessment in inquiry based science education, will be held on the 06th and 07th of October 2016 at the Université Grenoble Alpes, in France.
The conference comes within the scope of the European project in education « Assess Inquiry in Science, Technology and Mathematics Education » (ASSIST-ME). ASSIST-ME is research project, investigating formative and summative assessment methods to support and improve inquiry-based approaches in European science, technology and mathematics education. ASSIST-ME is supported by FP7, Science with and for Society (Swafs) of the European Commission.
The conference goals are to disseminate project results, to facilitate the appropriation of the final recommendations and to trace research perspectives for the coming years.
The program will combine scientific communications by Assist-ME teams and other researchers working on the same topic of the project, key notes and panel discussions with persons in charge of educational institutions and other key players in scientific education. Although, the conference offers a place for actors in science education to exchange over their works those aligned with the conference theme.
The actors of the domain are invited to contribute to this conference during two posters sessions (see call for posters). The target is to encourage informal communications between the participants.
The proposals could cover one of these issues: assessment practices in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM) education or in any disciplines or projects related to STEM education in indoors or outdoors of the classroom (e.g. Science museums, Mediation centers etc.); assessment practices professional development of in-service teachers or future teachers; or any science education assessment practices intended for actors in the field (the works could cover empirical or theoretical works or innovations from pedagogical actors in the field).
The main language of the conference communications will be in French (Altough some are in English). We hope by this to examine the most recent works in the French-speakers research circles, but although to offer a place that mediates exchanges between English and French speakers researchers. That’s why the posters proposals could be written in French or English.
Call for Posters: